GuppYLand, the hosting land of your GuppY resources,

On this oasis, all contributions made by GuppY users,

Plugins, skins, tutorials, translation lang files are at your disposal ! ! !
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Submit your creation

Drop us information about your contribution on the : Propose a descriptive sheet".

In order not to make mistakes in the description of your contribution (plugin, fork, set of icons, etc.), here we detail the different elements that appear in the presentation of all the contributions shown on GuppYLand.

It is important that they be present in the body of the mail announcing your creation.

  • The author's name (or nickname)
  • The name of the plugin / fork / set of icons / etc.

  • Informations :

    • language compatibility (language pack, etc.)
    • The version(s) with which your plugin Guppy / fork / etc. is compatible with.
    • The type (plugin, script, fork...)
    • For a document, specify the format (pdf, odt, doc,...)
    • The license under which your contribution is registered.
  • The category suggested (see existing list in the menu)

  • A more detailed description of your plugin / fork / etc. if necessary.

    • The address of the site where the plugin / fork / etc. is on display.
    • A detailed explanation of the installation.
    • Available languages ​​files (English, French, Spanish, Italian, etc.)
  • The version number of your plugin / fork and when its creation date (ex: Version 1.3 02/02/2005).

  • The address of the download.

With all this information, we can quickly put your creations online on GuppYLand and we will thus reduce sources of error.


GuppYLand will accept only the contributions giving access to products respecting our policy regarding "free software"...

  • They are distributed as freeware, be they under license or not,
  • The access to these contributions on sites is free and without any obligation or constraint (compulsory signing in future for instance!)
  • The site which the contribution points to does not contain slanderous, offensive, racist or discriminatory comments.
  • The contents of the site which the contribution points to have no pornographic character, and do not contain images, illustrations or comment against the morality and against the law.

The webmaster keeps his right to remove a descriptive sheet without prior notice, if he considers that one of the rules expressed above is not complied with..

Creation date : 22/06/2011 @ 16:13
Last update : 20/02/2012 @ 18:23
Category : Introduction - How to participate?
Page read 74986 times

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